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Automation Page

Next, let us focus on the repetition of activities. You can look at the degree of automation in your process and how it affects your process performance. On the Automation Page you can find out if an investment in Robotic Process Automation (RPA) was or would be worth it. Details of user type show you whether a process step is executed manually by a human employee or automatically by the system or a robot. In the green node highlight (e.g. Post Invoice) you can see the average automation rate in percent for each activity.


  • Next to the menu you can see the PAFnow Process Explorer which gives you the opportunity to take a closer look at the automation rate of your process.
  • Next to the Process Explorer you can see an overview compiled from three different visuals: First visual from the top is the distribution of the automation rate in percent, grouped in columns by cases. Underneath in the middle is a vertical bar chart which shows you the automation rate of each activity. The bottom visual shows the automation rate over time.
  • On the right side of the Automation Page is a navigation bar (similar to other Report Pages) including different visual filter and selection elements.

Process Explorer

On the Automation Page you can use the Process Explorer to take a closer look at the automation rate of your process:


In the example you can see that the activity Post Invoice is automated by 23.63 percent (shown in the green highlighted node).

This means that in around 24 percent of cases this activity is executed automatically by a system user or a robot.

Automation Overview

The overview consists of three separate visuals giving a summary on automation in cases, in activities and over time.

Automation Rate by Cases

Here you can see the automation rate of your cases, broken down by the degree of automation in intervals of 10 percent each:

Automation Rate by Activity Name

This custom visual shows information about the automation rate of your individual process steps:

In this example the activity Post Invoice is the most automated activity with a total automation rate of 24 percent.

Automation Rate over Time

Here you can see the development of the degree of automation over time:

In the visual this trend is delineated in a dashed line. Spikes of the automation degree development show the percentage of automation at that point in time. This way you are enabled to recognize trends or noticeable deviations.

As in all Report Pages the navigation bar consists of various visuals to filter and do selections.

Avg. Automation Rate Card

First visual from the top is a card visual showing the average automation rate:

This key figure shows the degree of automation. More specifically, this is the percentage of automatically executed events (activities) in relation to all activities.

Variant Filter

The Variant Filter gives you the option to filter for one individual or many variants:

Automation Rate by Path Type

You can also display the automation rate by different path types, namely Happy Paths and Not Happy Paths:

Happy Paths as known from information modeling, showcase the most frequent path in your data. This path leads from the Happy Start, meaning the most frequent path starting activity, to the Happy End, the most frequent path ending activity. If more than one valid alternative exist using both points the most frequent is shown as the Happy Path.

The Happy Path can be seen as the intersection of paths both using Happy Start and Happy End. The Unhappy Path as such is the selection of processes not using Happy Start and Happy End or in other words all the paths which are the opposite of Happy Paths.

This can help you, for example, to determine if RPA would positively impact a specific path type or if the automation of a specific path type was successful.