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So far you have only looked at a single process flow. On the PAFnow Benchmarking Page you can now compare two different process flows at once.


  • The Benchmarking Page consists of two separate PAFnow Process Explorers, which you can customize with the PAFnow Attribute Filter.
  • By selecting attributes and values in the Attribute Filters above the Process Explorer, you can compare and examine two process flows of your choice. Further card visuals help you analyze the process performance one look.


An example of a use case for the Benchmarking Page is the comparison of a successful processes with shorter durations that will be compared with less efficient processes with longer durations.

This way you can gain insights into the factors that positively and negatively influence your two processes and can act accordingly.

PAFnow Attribute Filter

Using the Attribute Filter, you can filter by selected attributes to see how the process, as well as other evaluations and key figures, behave for your chosen selection.

In the pane on top, you can select the attribute you want to filter by. In the list below, you can choose one or more (via CTRL) values of the attribute to filter by.

More information about the Attribute Filter can be found in the PAFnow Attribute Filter documentation.

Benchmarking Cards

On top of both process flows, there are four cards that help you compare the process performance between the two sides.

Card Meaning
The PAFnow Duration Card displays your selected lead times. You can decide how granular the format should be (in days, hours, minutes etc.).
This key figure shows the absolute number of all process steps throughout your selection.
This key figure shows the absolute number of process variants for your selection.
This key figure shows the absolute number of cases for your selection.