While the Discovery Page provides the foundation of your process analysis and in-depths evaluation, the Monitoring Page is designed to provide an overview of your process and helps you to keep an eye on selected key figures and trend analyzes.
- The header of the Monitoring Report Page consists of various Card Visuals giving details about key figures important in your processes.
- Using the main space of the Report Page the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for Process Mining are shown. These are visually assisted by time graphs enabling further filtering.
On the top of the page you find key information about your process which is described in detail in the table below.
Card | Meaning |
![]() ![]() | START & END TIME The two key figures indicate the start and end times of your process analysis. Specifically, the start time indicates the earliest start date and the end time the latest end date of the cases. |
![]() | CASES The key figure indicates the absolute number of cases. |
![]() | VARIANTS The key figure indicates the absolute number of process variants. |
![]() | PROCESS STEP TYPES The key figure indicates the absolute number of unique process steps in the process. |
![]() | TOTAL PROCESS STEPS The key figure indicates the absolute number of all process steps (activities) in the process. |
Monitoring KPIs¶
Below the key information you can see six monitoring cards which visualize the development of the most important Process Mining KPIs.
These KPIs display the average value of the according attribute over the chosen period of time. Additionally, the bar or line charts visualize the development of that value over time per month (using the case start date).
In the lower left corner the fiscal year can be changed so you can look at the monitoring details of a specific year.
For all KPI visuals the average value is benchmarked against a target value, e.g. the value of the previous month. The number in brackets shows the absolute deviation of that target value from the average value. The visuals background color changes to green, red or white depending on whether the increase or decrease compared to the previous month is bad, good or neutral.
The individual monitoring key figures are described below:
Unique Variants
The KPI Unique Variants monitors the percentage of unique variants over the set period. In this example, 57.14 percent of unique variants existed in the current month. The current value (last bar in the diagram) deviates from the value of the previous month (penultimate bar in the diagram) with a remarkable increase of 57.1 percent.
Cases with (Self-)Loops
Cases with (Self-)Loops counts the cases that had Loops or Selfloops (repetition of process steps). The combination of both is indicated by using the brackets in the word (Self-)Loops. As you can see, there are some months where no case neither had a Loop nor Selfloop. This is why the circles of the line chart have several downward deflections towards zero. Here, 20% of cases lately had either a Loop or a Selfloop with a decrease of 75.6 percent in comparison to the previous month.
Automation Rate
The KPI Automation rate shows the automation rate in percent for the entire process and its development over time. In this example the last value (2.78 percent) is benchmarked to the value of the previous month (a total increase of 2.78 percent, which is rounded to 2.8 percent).
Cases with long Lead Time
The development of the number of cases with on average a relative long lead time in your process is monitored with the KPI Cases with long lead time. Those are the cases which have a longer duration greater than one standard deviation from the average duration in the current month (in comparison to the previous month). In the shown example a positive decrease of 4.4 percent in comparison to the previous month leads to a monthly average of 13.33 percent of cases with longer than average lead times.
Cases with many process steps
Cases with many process steps shows the development of the number of cases with many process steps. These are the cases with process steps greater than one standard deviation above the average of process steps in the current month (in comparison to the previous month). In this month a negative increase of 13.33 percent to a total of 13.33 percent.
Number of Resources per Process Step
The KPI Number of resources per process step shows the trend for the number of resources per process step over time and the overall average of the current month in comparison to the number of resources per step in the previous month. A neutral increase of 0.2 percent leads to a total of 2.63 resources per process step in this example.